Sinhala (Sri Lanka)Tamil-Sri Lanka
Home About Department Major Functional Area

Major functional area

There are three main catagories  of projects are implemented by the ODSI as fallows.

Weaving secter development
There are 61 weaving production centers in the Southern Province managed by the ODSI. It has been supplying all raw meterials,provide market facilities to the producers as well.During last three years weaving sector has shown rapid development and it has increased the net prifit.
Try with best weaving productions.
Small Industry sector development
The sector has developed during the last few years changing & diversifyiing its production items and finding new markets. Especially there is a big demand for red clay procuctions. There are four (04) main sectors under this project.
  • Coir industry
  • Clay industry
  • Brass industry
  • Handmade paper industry
Try with best small industry productions.
Contact the small industry production centers . Link the page with " Products & service" menu.
Vocational Training for small industry sector
Vocational trainings are given by the ODSI for Weaving sector, carpentery and light engineering sector.
Contact the vocational training centers  or ODSI.



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